clear up ear trouble naturally with Ear Candling in Shoreview, MN

Ear coning, also known as ear candling, is a non-invasive, natural therapy. There isn’t any pressure on your eardrums, and you don’t run the risk of getting water trapped inside your ear as you would with an ear syringe, so your inner ear doesn’t become a breeding ground for bacteria.

If you are looking for relief from sinus congestion, swimmers ear, tinnitus, sinus pressure, ear aches, chronic ear infections, vertigo or desire an ear cleansing to hear better, this process is for you.  It removes the build-up of wax from within the ear, leaving your canal empty and open. The hollow ear cone, which is made out of beeswax, is placed into your ear. The side that is out of the ear is lit, and a vacuum is created within the ear canal. The smoke spirals into the cone, creating a vortex that draws out impurities. Excess earwax is drawn out of the ear canal, as the beeswax is removed.

The treatment is linked to ancient Chinese, Egyptian, and Native American treatments. While the procedure seems unusual, it's gentle and effective at removing wax, bacteria and fungus build-up. This is a 60-minute treatment for both of your ears.

Contact Healing Within Wellness Center to book an appointment and learn more about ear candling in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN area!